I couldn't be more pleased that you've found my personal website!
This is my official website, created so you can gather some information about me and my musical happenings. I've been blessed to make my living doing what I love, playing and teaching music. I'm honored that you stopped at my site, and would love to hear from you personally if you want more information.
Whether I'm writing, in the studio, or teaching, this is the one place you can always go to know the latest about me and my music. I'll be working hard to keep the information on my site current, topical, and fun. So peruse at your leisure and check back often — you never know when something fun is going to pop up here for your music enjoyment!
A little jazz guitar video.
Jamey Shannon
Music Instructor
Jamey is booked for the Mockingbird Festival April 14th & 15th at the Gin@Dunleith in Leland, MS. He is playing Wildflower Festival in North Dallas on May 20th. He is also playing a showcase for the Dallas Songwriter's Association in the Spring. New songs will be released in upcoming months.
YouTube here!